Wednesday 9 November 2011

B+ your Public Speaking

Public speaking.  Various studies have shown time and again that the majority of people are frightened of undertaking any kind of public speaking.  Understandably, people fear the whole process of standing up in front of a group of others and talking.  Yet sometimes get those same people in a group of friends, and they'll have no qualms holding court, often being witty, funny and entertaining. 

Even those people that don't speak even to a group of friends tell a fantastic story when one-on-one.  Put an audience in front of them, or make the 'speech' a formal occasion however and they go to pieces.  Public speaking is considered by so many to be an art form in itself.  Some of the worlds great orators past and present such as Winston Churchill and Steve Jobs are considered 'other worldly' because of the quality and polish of their public speaking skills.  However, it is possible for anyone to become a good public speaker, I should know. 

I probably got the kind of introduction to public speaking that many others would've loved. From a very early age my mum (a teacher) was keen on me learning the art of speaking to an audience, purely I should add, as a way of getting me past my innate shyness.

However, it probably wasn't until my Sixth Form and University days that I began to gain confidence in public speaking skills.  I'd often volunteer to be the person who did the presentation or make the announcement.  Though I did find this was frequently because I just wanted to keep the lesson / event moving and hated the kind of 'no you, no you' conversation that followed a request of 'Can I have a volunteer to go first'.

Public Speaking doesn't have to be a nightmare though.  Here's my 3 B's  of public speaking:


Your brain is a wonderful thing.  The creativity contained within it is amazing, well it is for nearly all moments apart from the public speaking moment.  Even before you've stood up your brain has switched into maximum negative imagination mode and you're running through hundreds of scenarios of what might go wrong.  Fly's down, fainting, falling over, accidentally be honest its a wonder you're still sat there.  Sound familiar?  It doesn't need to be like this, it just requires a couple of basic techniques and you can overcome it.

1. Visualise a fabulous reaction at the end of your speech, concentrate on how delightful and fun it will be to share the knowledge you have
2. Be in the moment, you've practised so even if you think you can't remember it you can.  Concentrate on what you want to quietens the brain's more 'creative' thoughts.

Get your brain working for you when you're public speaking and you're onto a winner.


Your body and posture can make an instant difference to your speech.  Imagine an invisible piece of string running up your spine and out of the top of your head and give it an imaginary tug.  You'll feel your head up, shoulders relax and a straight back.  Not only does this give you an added air of authority to your audience, it will instantly make you feel confident. 
The old adage which is so true with public speaking is Look confident, feel confident and you'll be confident.
Now isn't the time to slouch in your seat or cower away, head up, shoulders back (and relaxed) and you're already winning!


The human body cannot survive without oxygen for more than 3 minutes, yet in our haste to rattle through our speech we seem to forget that.  Breathing not only keeps you alive (seriously listen to me people), it also helps in two major ways.
Firstly maintaining your breathing at a regular rate will slowly calm you down and counteract the adrenalin that will be shooting through you as you prepare to speak.  It helps to give your conscious mind something else to concentrate on too (further distraction from the 'creative' thinking).  Secondly, if you've practised your speech correctly you'll have your natural breaks/breathing breaks.  Adding these gives your speech a fantastic flow allowing you to emphasise points and gives the whole thing a more natural rhythm.  It also gives your audience a chance to take in the speech without worrying for your health as you rattle through without taking a breath.

Three simple points, but three very effective B's to remember the next time you are speaking in public.

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